Fuchsia procumbens, Trailing Fuchsia

  • Sale
  • Regular price $15.50
  • ($7.50 at nursery) 0 estimated available

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Evergreen and trailing, this 4-inch-tall vine spreads slowly. You won't have to worry about it outgrowing a container any time soon — perfect. Tiny, precious, and intriguing upward-facing flowers transform into rowdy red fruit in fall. The tiny flowers are worth close inspection — yellow tube with reflexed, burgundy-tipped green petals, red-orange stamens, and bright blue anthers! If they were any larger there'd be a stampede in their direction (but there should be anyway). Wiry stems and round leaves are a fine, high-resolution, and look lovely trailing over the edge of a pot or wall. But plant it where it can be appreciated, up close and personal, so it can draw people in to discover the exquisite, diminutive flowers.

Minimum temperature: 0° F
