Parahebe perfoliata, Digger's Speedwell

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  • Regular price $14.50
  • ($9.50 at nursery) 17 estimated available

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Terminal spikes of loose, periwinkle flowers in April and early May. Some say the plant itself looks like eucalyptus as the leaves clasp around the stems in an opposing pattern, and stems have a low-growing, graceful arching habit.

Parahebe is considered a subshrub (somewhere between a shrub and herbaceous perennial) with semi-woody stems. This one is endemic to Tasmania, but in the Pacific Northwest, it tends to be evergreen to semi-evergreen with 30" tall stems that then sprawl or trail. Raggedy stems can be cut to the ground, as can the whole plant if it endures a hard frost--roots will be quite hardy and sprout again.

Flowers occur upon previous season shoots, so it's best to prune immediately after flowering.

Prefers full sun, and rich and well draining soil.

Mature size: 2 ft T x 3 ft W slowly spreading

Minimum temperature: 0° F
