Philadelphus laxiflorus, Mock Orange

  • Sale
  • Regular price $15.50
  • ($10.50 at nursery) 21 estimated available

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Copious, large, sweetly fragrant single flowers appear in late spring or early summer on the largest Mock Orange that we grow. Teetering on the fence of large-shrub to small-tree for a descriptor. Vase-shaped shrub makes a nice anchor for a perennial bed. Send a Clematis up this multi-stemmed shrub to use its patch of real estate to the max. Timing the blooming season of the Clematis with the bloom of the Mock Orange would be a harmonic galactic convergence of joy.

This is a seldom-encountered species rarely available in cultivation. We thank Dan Hinkley and Robert Jones of the fabled Heronswood Nursery for making this species known to the trade.

Mature size: 12 ft T x 8 ft W

Minimum temperature: -20° F
