Bupleurum longifolium var aureum, Hare's Ear

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  • Regular price $13.50
  • ($8.50 at nursery) 0 estimated available

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This rock garden dweller has ovate green-blue evergreen leaves and is native to subalpine meadows in Europe and Siberia. Slender stems support umbels of small, yellow pincushion flowers above clumping foliage. Blooms fade to bronze-red with caramel bracts, later developing into seed heads in the fall. Flowers and foliage make a radiant, graceful addition to any cut flower garden. May self sow if conditions are favorable--deadhead to prevent self-sowing if undesired. Grows in full sun.

 Mature size: 1-2 ft t  x 1.5 ft w

Temperature: -35°F
