Ceanothus × delileanus 'Gloire de Versailles', California Lilac

  • Sale
  • Regular price $14.50
  • ($9.50 at nursery) 10 estimated available

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A deciduous California lilac that makes a rounded shrub with the signature powdery blue  4-5-in panicles which are proudly and politely held high. Drought-tolerant once established but happiest with at least some summer water.

Foliage is deciduous to semi-deciduous depending on the hardiness zone where it is grown. Prune hard in late fall for more flowers and a more robust form. A cultivar of a cross between a C. coeruleus (Mexico) and C. americanus (Eastern U.S.) known as the French Hybrid.

Mature size:  3-5 ft T x W

Minimum temperature: 0° F
