Diphylleia cymosa, Umbrella Leaf

  • Sale
  • Regular price $36.50
  • ($18.50 at nursery) 14 estimated available

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This choice southern Appalachian native has huge, toothed, palmate umbrella leaves and white floral cymes. After the bloom, a profuse and long-lasting late summer display of blue fruit on licorice-red pedicels are rewardingly conspicuous. In its native haunts, it grows at the edges of moist seeps and streamsides. In garden cultivation, it is happy with just regular water in shaded aspects; no mountain stream is required.

Mature size: 3 ft T x W 

Morning sun, afternoon shade or all day shade.

Please choose a shipping date between September 15 - May 15. Ships when dormant. 

Minimum temperature: -20º F
