Lysichiton americanus, Skunk Cabbage or Swamp Lantern

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  • Regular price $20.50
  • ($14.50 at nursery) 83 estimated available

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Saddled with a name that scares people away, Skunk Cabbage, in fact, has much to offer:  a glowing lemon-yellow spathe and spadix and glossy bright green leaves 3 ft long and wide. With ornamental uses not fully appreciated, it has been underused in the bog garden. Swamp Lantern, another common name, conjures up a more pleasant and more apt image. It would be a wonderful companion to Sarracenias, Rodgersia, Ligularia, Farfugium, ferns, Podophyllum, Tricyrtis, Veratrum, Trollius, Zantedeschia, and even, particularly if you live at the coast, Tree Fern (Dicksonia)! What a lush and interesting garden that would be. Its spring bloom is minimally 'fragrant,' and only offensive when encountered in large numbers. Don't miss out on account of false impressions.

Mature size: 3 ft T x W, rhizomatous

Minimum temperature: -10° F
