Quercus garryana, Oregon White Oak/Garry Oak

  • Sale
  • Regular price $17.50
  • ($12.50 at nursery) 6 estimated available

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This, our native oak develops into a majestic, muscular specimen...if you have 100 years to spare. But, truth be known, it's handsome at any age and would be a wonderful companion to grasses or chaparral plants. The prime constituent of our western Willamette Valley oak savannah, it tolerates winter wet but needs summer dry, a somewhat Mediterranean climate. It's deciduous but becomes covered with gray-green usnea lichen (old man's beard) exposed in winter when leaves are absent, consequently, it is always clad with leaf or lovely lichen. In autumn the leaves tinge orange for a bronzed impression. Plant an oak as a heritage tree and secure your legacy.

*No shipping to CA due to local restrictions 

Mature size:  slow-growing to 50-90 ft tall, ultimately

Minimum temperature: 0º F

Featured on Great Plant Picks: https://www.greatplantpicks.org/plantlists/view/1268
