Fagus sylvatica 'Red Obelisk', European Beech

  • Sale
  • Regular price $34.50
  • ($22.50 at nursery) 2 estimated available

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Columnar in form, 'Red Obelisk' is aptly named: a significant red-burgundy-black landmark when it's in leaf, and still a formidable vertical presence in winter. In a word, monumental, but don't be afraid of using it! For heaven's sake, we need the whole breadth of scale in our landscapes! You'll even see your house from space—kidding. But you'll be able to easily tell people how to find your house without GPS. Landmarks, especially if they are plants, are better, don't you think? Best color in more sun.

mature size: 30 feet tall by 10 feet wide

Minimum temperature: -30° F
