Anemone nemorosa 'Bracteata Pleniflora', Wood Anemone or Windflower

  • Sale
  • Regular price $7.50 at nursery
  • 36 estimated available

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White petals nested on a collarette of frilly green bracts make for a unique early spring display on 6-inch tall plants. Sometimes a violet-blue central eye. 

NOTE: These are SUMMER DORMANT; they dry up and go "to sleep" after they bloom in spring. Other examples of summer dormant plants are Tulips and Daffodils. Do not be alarmed when they disappear with the onset of warm weather days--given proper conditions, they will be back bigger & better the next spring.

Perennial tuber; mature size: 6 inches tall and slowly naturalizing.

Minimum temperature: -30° F
