Luma apiculata, Chilean Myrtle

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  • Regular price $24.50 at nursery
  • 15 estimated available

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Small, glossy, ovate, dark green leaves lining red stems are spicily fragrant when crushed. During the summer months, clusters of waxy, white flowers bloom, which are then followed by delicious, purple-black berries in fall. 

Luma apiculata comes from the Andes between Chile and Argentina and is a Marpuche Indian word referring to its cinnamon-orange bark. Only if planted in a mild climate where it is able to grow large will it show its slick ornamental bark with white streaks. Protect from desiccating winter winds. If it does freeze back, as it sometimes does here in Western Oregon, it will likely return from the base—a perennial shrub! 

Mature size: 3 feet tall x 2 feet wide if it freezes back every year; or perhaps up to 10 feet tall in a warmer/milder location. In its native environment, it can grow up to 60 feet tall! 

Minimum temperature: 10° F
