Philadelphus madrensis, Desert Mock Orange

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  • Regular price $14.50
  • ($9.50 at nursery) 0 estimated available

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Native to Mexico and the American Southwest, this Philadelphus is extremely drought-tolerant, often called Desert Mountain Mock Orange. The 4-petaled pendulous flowers have a pretty rose blush at the center and, frankly, their sweet scent could be described as a not unpleasant grape kool-aid or bubble gum smell. Ah...childhood.... Very fine-textured (It's almost the cotton candy of Mock Oranges), this deciduous shrub grows to only 4 – 6 feet tall and likes lean, well-drained soil. Light or bright shade is preferred but it will still oblige in full sun. Unusual and perfect for the atmospheric garden.

Mature size: 4-6 feet T & W

Minimum temperature: 0° F
