Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow', Bugleweed

  • Sale
  • Regular price $10.50
  • ($6.50 at nursery) 52 estimated available

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Wide and textural foliage lies flat and dense to form a weed-suppressing mat that is pink, mauve-purple, and sage-green! Flecks of white sparkle at the leaf edges. In mid- to late-spring, 6-inch ascending blue spikes dramatically stud the surface, especially affecting in mass plantings. It would have delighted Monet! Evergreen, so to speak, the leaves in winter are an almost unbelievable raspberry-purple that does indeed glow. And in winter here in the Northwest, we need all the glow we can get. It naturalizes nicely where its conditions are well met. To trim off a large area of spent blooms use your mower on a high setting, but be a bit ginger, this is not what some call a "steppable." 

Mature size: 3-6 inches T x 8-10+ inches W (spreading)

Minimum temperature: -40° F
