Stachys (syn. Betonica) officinalis 'Hummelo', Betony

  • Sale
  • Regular price $17.50
  • ($12.50 at nursery) 26 estimated available

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Clumps of glossy, dark-green, fleshy leaves form mats under dense spikes of lavender-pink bloom spikes on tall, bare stems. Unlike its "Lamb's Ears" relatives, the leaves on this species do not have a thick, fuzzy coating– the showy, tall flower spikes are the main attraction. Will grow under Black Walnut! Native to Europe and Asia.

(Syn. Betonica officinalis 'Hummelo', Stachys betonica 'Hummelo')

Mature size: 1.5-2 ft T x W

Minimum temperature: -20° F
