Abutilon 'Dennis', Flowering Maple

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  • Regular price $17.50
  • ($9.50 at nursery) 46 estimated available

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The flower is a slightly more modest Hibiscus type, still more exotic than most flowers, though. It's a very prolific bloomer with exquisite, pendent orange bells with red veins, red throat, and red pistil summer into late fall. It blooms outside our office window even at the end of December! The hummingbirds constantly visit the flowers happy to be satiated that late in the season; plant it near a window! As I write in February, it is still holding its leaves! Those who love the tropicalesque (or are just crazy for orange) will love this! Survived 12º F in our garden! Adaptable as a houseplant.

Mature size: 5 ft T x 3 ft W. (Responds well to hard pruning in late winter.)

Minimum temperature: 10° F
