Anemone blanda 'White Splendour', Grecian Windflower

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  • Regular price $10.50
  • ($7.00 at nursery) 21 estimated available

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This prolific Grecian windflower provides loads of blooms in mid-spring atop mounding dense, ferny foliage. Many-petaled white daisies with yellow centers and pinkish backsides bring spring cheer wherever planted in part shade OR sun (with enough moisture). Foliage goes dormant after blooms fade. ‘White splendor’ easily naturalizes and can provide a great springtime groundcover, dense edging, or large drifts below taller woody specimens like spring flowering trees. Don’t be shy, plant many in large groupings!

Available for shipping only while dormant.

Mature size: 4-6 in T

Minimum temperature:  -30° F
