Lonicera involucrata var ledebourii, Red Flowered Black Twinberry

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  • Regular price $20.50
  • ($12.50 at nursery) 10 estimated available

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Unlike Lonicera involucrata, which has pairs of yellow flowers, this variety has 1 inch long, tubular red-orange flowers in late spring to early summer, sometimes much earlier in temperate locations.

This shrub commonly reaches 6-10 feet tall but can reach 16 feet tall in ideal conditions. Bright green, 5-inch long leaves have hairy edges and undersides. Flowers are surrounded by two showy green bracts that turn an eye-catching bright red. Hummingbirds and butterflies visit the blooms frequently. The flowers give way to small, black berries that are technically edible but not considered tasty by most humans. Birds and small mammals seem to love them though, and as a result, the seed can spread widely.

Twinberry is a native in North America from Alaska and southern Canada south through the western U.S. to Mexico.

Deciduous shrub; mature size: 6-16 ft T x W, depending on conditions

Minimum temperature: -30° F
