Agapetes species AP2018-96, Himalayan Lanterns

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  • Regular price $18.50
  • ($12.50 at nursery) 0 estimated available

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The seed of this very attractive Agapetes, possibly a new species, was collected from a steep road cut in the mountains, north of Mayodia Pass en route to Anini, Arunachal Pradesh in Northeastern, India with Dan Hinkley and Shayne Chandler in 2018. In situ, this evergreen shrub with dark green, waxy leaves, lighter on the reverse, was about 3' high by 4' wide. The new growth is a handsome smokey reddish-brown.

We fell in love with the flowers when they first bloomed. I caught this first picture of the flower late so the corolla has separated from the calyx and ovary.

Minimum temperature:  Possibly 25º F
