Alstroemeria isabellana, Peruvian Lily

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  • Regular price $20.50
  • ($14.50 at nursery) 0 estimated available

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Exquisite umbels of two-inch, pendent, tubular flowers bloom in soft shades of flamingo-orange and green. Look inside for secret colors. These flowers provide a looong show, mid- through late-summer! And they're so graceful against upright, narrow, gray-blue clasping leaves. In flower and leaf, this is a beautifully different Alstroemeria. If you can stand it, cut it for your vase but make sure your vase is lovely enough. Given space in the garden, it will slowly create a colony in rich, moist, well-draining soil, repaying you for that effort in spades. This Brazilian has been known to survive single digits.

Mature size: 2–3 feet tall 

Minimum temperature: 0º F

Please note: plants shipped after mid-April will most likely arrive with the foliage removed as it is too delicate to survive shipping.  The remaining tuberous roots will regenerate new growth once planted

We recommend planting Alstroemeria as early in the season as your growing conditions allow.  This provides time for the plants to establish mature root systems before winter. 
