Azara microphylla, Boxleaf Azara/Chin chin/Vanilla Tree

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  • Regular price $17.50
  • ($12.50 at nursery) 0 estimated available

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A native to Chile and southern Argentina, growing among the Nothofagus obliqua, this small, fairly narrow, fast-growing tree is a gem: tiny yellow spritzes bloom on the branches in very early spring at the nodes of small, glossy, dark green rounded leaves. Their elusive scent is heavenly vanilla, cocoa, white chocolate, or marzipan...depending upon your particular nose. If too sparse, it responds well to pruning. Attractive, tan bark.

Mature size: 15 ft T x 6 ft W in 10 yrs; ultimately 25 ft T x 12 ft W

Minimum temperature: 0º F
