Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, Plumbago or Blue Leadwood

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  • Regular price $12.50
  • ($7.50 at nursery) 98 estimated available

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Robust in habit, and thankfully very attractive, Plumbago is a deciduous ground cover with electric blue flowers that still bloom while the leaves turn deep red—exhilarating! Bloom time is generally mid-summer to early fall. It's perfect for a parking strip where it will be contained, or an area where it can roam and regale you with its color. Plant it with spring bulbs since the leaves come on late. Tolerates a wide range of conditions including clay--not the waterlogged, boggy type though! Native to western China.

(Pictured with Forsythia koreana 'Kumson' - early fall)

Mature size: 8-12 inches tall & 12-18 inches wide; can spread widely in ideal conditions (ideal = rich, moist, loose soil with afternoon shade).

Minimum temperature: -20° F
