Dierama pulcherrimum, Angel's Fishing Rod

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  • Regular price $26.50
  • ($16.50 at nursery) 62 estimated available

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The most common and easiest to grow of the Dierama, it puts on a remarkable, reliable show in early to late summer. Arresting pendulous bells dangle on wiry, arching 5 ft tall stems. These seedlings can bloom in different colors ranging from the occasional white to pale pink to dark fuchsia, and occasional deep magenta. As South African natives, they are used to some summer water, though they tolerate our dry garden well and even put off seedlings. Give them some space and they will delight and bob with the swaying breezes. It incites plant lust, if you're not careful, and wins the contest for gracefulness hands down.

Mature size: Semi-evergreen leaves 2-3 feet tall & clumping corms. Flower spike 5-feet T; 

Minimum temperature: 0° F
