Pachysandra procumbens, Allegheny Spurge

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  • Regular price $15.50
  • ($10.50 at nursery) 0 estimated available

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With interesting mottled leaves of reddish-brown to olive green, Forms a dense carpet, spreading by rhizomes. The spring flowers are fragrant, 2-4 inch long spikes of pale pinkish-white. Overused once upon a time, it has fallen out of favor with plant enthusiasts, but keep in mind it was overused for a reason — it's handsome and a terrific performer. Let's keep it around because it still will be the thing when nothing else will do. It can handle dry shade once established, and wonderfully shade out intruding weeds to boot. Native to the southeastern United States from West Virginia and Kentucky south to Florida, and west to Louisiana.

According to the Missouri Botanical Garden: "Leaves are typically deciduous in USDA Zones 5 and 6 but semi-evergreen to evergreen in Zones 7 to 9. Even where evergreen, the leaves may appear worn and tattered by mid winter."

Mature size: 1 foot tall & spreading

Minimum temperature: -10° F
