Parthenocissus henryana, Silvervein Creeper

  • Sale
  • Regular price $44.50
  • ($24.50 at nursery) 8 estimated available

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This is a nice vine for the north side of the house or fence. Truly sublime with its silver-veined leaves of bronze-olive-green, it turns a supremely saturated red-purple in fall. Inconspicuous yellow flowers become handsome dark blue fruit. Henryana is a tendril climber. Native to China where it grows along hillsides and moist rocky cliffs from 300 to 5,000 feet, amenable to shade and a wide variety of soils. Its name honors the Irish botanist and plant explorer, Augustine Henry (1857-1930) who found it in central China in the 1880's.

Vine; mature size: 15 feet T

Minimum temperature: -20° F

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