Rosa sericea ssp. omeiensis f. pteracantha, Winged Rose, Wingthorn Rose

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  • Regular price $22.50
  • ($14.50 at nursery) 24 estimated available

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This provocative shrub from China and the Himalayas is winged with large, ornamental, translucent crimson thorns the entire length of the stem. It's brighter, bigger, and more thorny if pruned, but it might lose its natural vase shape — your choice. Lightly fragrant single white flowers to 2 inches across are lovely in late spring amongst ferny foliage, and beautiful red hips follow the blooms in fall. Yes, grown for the visually exciting thorns (Morticia Adams would love it!) but a good barrier plant, too. If you can site it where it will be backlit by the setting sun, all the better. Young plants can take a bit to develop the "lovely" thorns. 

Mature size: 6 – 8 feet tall if left unchecked.

Minimum temperature: -10° F
