Sidalcea campestris, Meadow Checkermallow

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  • Regular price $10.50 at nursery
  • 58 estimated available

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A true native species found only in the Willamette Valley of the PNW. A large perennial that prefers meadow-like conditions that are mostly (or very) sunny. This Sidalcea forms large clumps of tall, delicate hollyhock-like blooms that are blush-pink to white May-July. The foliage has narrow fine lobes . It is extremely drought tolerant and can endure our heavy clay soils that dry out entirely in the summer (though, like most plants, it likes well-drained soil as well).

We love its elegance and really do recommend putting it in a meadow as it seeds itself freely in our dry gardens. If in the PNW consider other white oak woodland friends like wild roses (Rosa sp.), Oregon iris (Iris tenax), lupine (Lupinus sp.), shooting stars (Dodecatheon sp.), and native bunch grasses.

 Mature size: 4-6 ft tall when in bloom, 2-4 ft wide clumps

 Minimum temperature: -25° F
