Tibouchina urvilleana, Princess Flower

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  • Regular price $18.50
  • ($12.50 at nursery) 0 estimated available

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Rich, royal purple flowers about 3 inches wide with 5 petals over a long season. A gorgeous, open shrub that is worth coddling in a pot. Prune in late winter to control size; it will bloom on either this year's or last year's growth. In ideal, tropical outdoor conditions, this shrub can reach 10-20 feet tall and 6-12 feet wide and can spread via underground suckers, but it makes a wonderful container specimen in harsh climates with winter storage in a non-freezing greenhouse or sunroom.

Compared to T. urvilleanaTibouchina heteromalla has bigger leaves and smaller flowers, though the flower spikes of T. heteromalla are much longer with more blooms per spike. The purple blooms on T. urvilleana lean toward fuchsia, whereas the blooms on T. heteromalla lean blue.

Minimum temperature: 30° F
