Adiantum x mairisii, Mairis's Maidenhair Fern

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  • Regular price $13.50
  • ($8.50 at nursery) 8 estimated available

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Fine charcoal-black stems hold fluffy light green leaflets on fronds 15 inches tall. It slowly proliferates, given moist humus and shade, to form a colony of lush, lacy, fresh green mounds. This, as was kindly pointed out to us, is easily confused with the Chinese Adiantum marisii (can't imagine why). This one, Adiantum x mairisii, was discovered ca. 1885 at Mairis & Co. Nursery in England, hence the spelling. It is deciduous but persists into winter.

Mature size: 15 inches tall & 3 feet wide in 5 yrs

Minimum temperature: 0° F

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