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Delphinium elatum 'New Heights', DelphiniumStately, tall stems of elegant double flowers in shades of deep blue to pale lavender-purple in early summer. Cut back for rebloom. Increases well & highly recommended. Available for shipping while dormant. Mature size: 4 feet tall & 2 feet wide Minimum temperature: -40° F$16.50
Delphinium trolliifolium, Giant LarkspurExquisite, ultramarine, loosely-spaced blue flowers have a white petal in the interior, essentially the reverse of another Western native, Delphinium pavonaceum. This exquisite native is from the lower elevations of Western Oregon and California, and this particular group is from a Benton Co. collection. Clumping and upright, it blooms late spring –...From $13.50
Aconitum napellus 'Newry Blue', MonkshoodDeeply divided leaves, reminiscent of delphinium foliage. set off the spires of tightly clustered deep indigo flowers. Blooms begin in early summer and may be prolonged into fall if deadheaded. Perfect for the cottage garden! Appreciates protection from hot afternoon sun and soil amended with organic matter. Deer avoid the...From $19.50